“We are a free-standing MPH in Health Policy degree, the only one in the country. PA students looking to affect the policy environment for PAs themselves and/or the patients they serve would be well-suited for an MPH in Health Policy. ”
Taylor Burke, JD, LLM
Associate Professor
Health Policy...
- provides access to top national health policy experts
- applies policy analysis to research studies and health program evaluations
designs and evaluates policies that impact health - examines policy across various health issues
For more information please see the Milken Institute School of Public Health - Health Policy homepage.
Year 1, Semester 1
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PubH 6002 | Biostatistical Applications for Public Health | 3 |
PubH 6003 | Principles and Practice of Epidemiology | 3 |
PubH 6007 | Social and Behavioral Approaches to Public Health | 2 |
PubH 6009 | Fundamentals of Program Evaluation | 2 |
PubH 6011 | Environmental and Biological Foundations of Public Health | 3 |
PubH 6012 | Fundamentals of Health Policy | 2 |
PubH 6021 | Essentials of PH Practice and Leadership 1 - Leading Self and Teams in PH | 1 |
PubH 6591 | Leadership Seminar for PA/MPH Students-Elective | 1 |
ANAT 6215 | Anatomy for Health Sciences Students | 3 |
Total Semester Credits | 20 |
Year 1, Semester 2
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PubH 6022 | Essentials of PH Practice and Leadership 2 - Managing Organizations and Influencing Systems in PH | 1 |
PubH 6310 | Statistical Analysis in Health Policy | 3 |
PubH 6315 | Intro-Health Policy Analysis | 2 |
PubH 6330 OR PubH 6335 | Health Service and Law OR Public Health and Law Online | 3 |
PA 6122 | Role of PA in American Health Care | 2 |
Total Semester Credits | 11 |
Year 1, Semester 3
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PubH 6320 | Advanced Health Pol Analysis | 3 |
PubH 6325 | Fed Policymaking & Pol Advocacy | 2 |
PubH 6340 | Health Economics and Finance | 3 |
PubH 6XXX | Elective | 2 |
PA 6119 | Health, Justice & Society II | 1 |
Total Semester Credits | 11 |
Year 2, Semester 1 (PA Only Course)
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PA 6101 | Clinical Assessment I | 4 |
PA 6104 | Integration into Clinical Concepts I | 2 |
PA 6109 | Foundations of Medicine | 5 |
PubH 6015 | Culminating Experience | 2 |
PHYL 6211 | Physiology for Health Sciences Students | 3 |
Total Semester Credits | 16 |
Year 2, Semester 2 (PA Only Courses)
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PA 6102 | Clinical Assessment II | 1 |
PA 6105 | Integration into Clinical Concepts II | 2 |
PA 6112 | Clinical Medicine I | 7 |
PA 6116 | Clinical Skills I | 1 |
PA 6120 | Human Behavior | 2 |
PHAR 6207 | Basic Principles of Pharmacology | 2 |
Total Semester Credits | 16 |
Year 2, Semester 3 (PA Only Courses)
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PA 6103 | Clinical Assessment III | 1 |
PA 6106 | Integration into Clinical Concepts III | 2 |
PA 6113 | Clinical Medicine II | 7 |
PA 6117 | Clinical Skills II | 1 |
PA 6121 | Clinical Specialties | 6 |
PHAR 6208 | Pharm in Dis. Pathophysiology | 2 |
Total Semester Credits | 19 |
Year 3, Semester 1-3 (PA Rotations)
Course Number |
Title | Credits |
PA 6259 | Introduction to Clinical Education | 2 |
PA 6261 | Inpatient Medicine Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6262 | Family Medicine Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6263 | Surgical Inpatient Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6264 | Women's Health Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6265 | Pediatrics Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6266 | Emergency Medicine Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6267 | Behavioral Medicine Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6268 | Elective Clinical Practicum | 5 |
PA 6300 | Introduction to Professional Practice | 2 |
Clinical Year Total Credits | 44 |